Bestselling Author


Welcome to my new website!

After more than a decade, it was time for a change. That’s been a big theme for me these days. The pandemic provided time for personal and professional reflection. In short, I decided to do more of what I love, and less of what I don’t. I also let go of some old professional relationships and projects, to make way for new ones, while recommitting to those treasured souls that have been there for the whole journey. My new streamlined website mirrors my path forward.

These days I’m exclusively publishing my research methods books with Guilford Press. I’ve been blessed to work with this world-class publishing team for more than 15 years. While I’m honored to continue this long-standing partnership, I’m also tickled to be working with a new publisher for my fiction, as I’ve decided to prioritize my work as a novelist. I’m elated to have signed on with She Writes Press for 15 novels including a six-novel series. I’m slated to publish two books a year through 2030. Hollyland and The Location Shoot, two lockdown projects, were the first published and I’m blown away by this skilled, caring, professional team that aims to shine a spotlight on women’s words. They are so good, and I’m honored to work with them. I am also excited to share that I have recently signed two book contracts with Myers Education Press. These books will bridge my work in fiction and nonfiction. Finally, after spending nearly two decades as a book series editor for other publishers, I’ve started my own imprint, Paper Stars Press, through which I’m publishing some special projects. Many surprises in fiction and nonfiction coming down the pike. Stay tuned.

After these past few years which have been dark and deeply challenging for us all, my new website reflects my desire to focus on the light and my commitment to do the work that holds my hand, in the hopes it will hold yours too.

Love and light.

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